To Friends of Earl Palmer Ministry
In the midst of all that is happening these days, I would like to invite you to listen to what Paul has to say to the followers of Jesus in Philippi at a time when he felt his friends needed support. It is my hope that you may find renewed strength and comfort from Paul’s words.
Please click on the link below that will take you to a sermon titled “The Advice of a Friend.” This message was the last of a series of seven sermons titled “Sheer Encouragement” that I was privileged to give during my time as “Preaching Pastor in Residence” at The National Presbyterian Church in Washington D.C. I trust that you will find spiritual refreshment in this text.
It is my hope that the year forward will be a time of assurance for you and that you will also discover practical resources and promising avenues that help you to stand and to meet the challenges of this time. May the Lord bless you and keep you steady in the face of competing forces.