To Friends of Earl Palmer Ministries
“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth,
give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
These words as recorded in the Gospel of John 14: 27 reflect the grace of our Lord Jesus. For me the assurance that we are not alone is the most solid place to stand at a time such as we are experiencing now. Together, as we face the threat posed by the novel virus that has unsettled the world may we find calm in the steadying voice that tells us not to be afraid. May we know the Lord of history who assures us of his presence in the midst of this crisis.
Please pray with me daily as we ask for wise leadership and resources to guide us; for protection of our medical community who are on the front lines and for strength of those who are struggling with infection. We pray for tangible help for those who face the loss of income; the break down of their work schedule and the unsettling of their daily routine. May we remember the promise.
Your brother in Christ,